
Web Development

UX Research

About the project

Panorama is a platform for psychological care and mental health services for women with a feminist approach. It´s main service is on demand workshops where they work on issues of importance and relevance for women in a patriarchal and capitalist society.

They also have women’s groups where they work on specific issues and develop action plans that can help them overcome the problems they are currently experiencing. Focus on the depathologization of mental health, understanding that psychological problems are just that, problems, not diseases or limitations to live a healthy and adaptive life.

Problem Goal

Promote the potential of women by providing them with mental health services that are accessible, of quality and with a feminist approach to build new realities that go according to the values, goals and dreams that each one of them has.

My Role

· User Research & Analysis
· Persona Creation
· Wireframes
· UI Design & Prototyping
· Usablity Testing

The Process

Design Thinking

Due to the sensitivity of the topic we needed to talk about for the research, I decided to use Design Thinking to find different solutions for the needs of the women interviewed and to take them into account in every part of the process.

  • Formulate and validate the hypothesis.
  • Interview psychologists and specialists to know the approach we should take when interviewing potential users.
  • Create a safe space for women as they share personal information. 
  • Create different support tools to provide complete treatment to create features that users really need.


We believe that by creating a platform where women have psychological support, with the option of anonymous help, we will create a space of trust to talk about the situations they have experienced and remove the limits that these have created in their lives.

The Challenges

- Empathize -

Create a safe space for women that have suffered any type of violence or suffer from a mental health problem.

Have the ability to present them with the tools needed to eliminate the limitations that these events have brought.

Similar situations didn´t mean same psychological approach.

Research & Problem Definition

- Define -


Conducting User Survey
We started with an anonymous form to find out the percentage of women who have experienced some type of violence, in what situations they have experienced it, and if they have found any tools to deal with it or if they have sought professional help.

At the end of the form we had an email to contact us, for those who would like to participate in the interview process and tell us about their experience.


  • 93% of women have experienced some form of harassment in their lifetime.
  • 64% have experienced some type of violence in their home or by a family member.
  • 80% have thought about seeking help but do not know how to ask for it.
  • 75% are not ready to talk about what they have experienced.

UX Research

Conducting user research helped us understand women’s needs, experiences, behaviors and fears. Once our research was finished we could identify the type of content and support they needed. It helped us to recognize that even when they had similar situations, we had to approach the problem in different ways, giving them different tools to help them and achieve a safe space.

Persona 1

Sofia – 24 years old
She has suffered domestic violence most of her life, with a macho environment and especially verbal and psychological abuse. Involved in a toxic relationship.
Consequence: Depression, Anxiety, Self-Doubt

Persona 2

Anne – 28 years old
Anne has always been pressured by her parents to be who they expect, making her feel not enough.
Consequence: Self-Doubt, Fear of facing difficult situations, Isolates from social situations.

Persona 3

Jane – 45 years old
Her father left her family when she was a kid. As an adult, she was involved in a toxic relationship.
Consequence: Feels vulnerable in any situation.

Key Information

- Ideate -

When having a safe space to talk about what they have lived through and share it with women that have been through the same, they feel accepted and motivated to work on them.

Online information helps them when they are not ready to talk but want to start therapy.

Having a support network that understands what they are going through helps them be more confident in affronting a situation.

Mid-fidelity Wireframes

- Prototype -

· Users wanted an introduction to the programs.
· Users wanted the option to contact anonymously a professional.
· Users wanted information that they could check at any time they needed.
· User valued other women’s testimonies.

Design solutions:
· Have a description and show a summary of the content they are going to have.
· A direct form of communication with a professional.
· Closed forums to talk about them.


- Testing-

What did work?

  • Creating forums divided by workshops.
  • Conduct early user testing of the content that was being created for the workshops. 
  • Let them know it was a space only for women.
  • Focus on research results to create features that users really need.
  • Let them know they could treat their limitations.

What didn´t work?

  • Leave exercises to be done and without completing them, not being able to move on to the next topic
  • To touch on very specific topics, women feel more comfortable having tools that will help them deal with more than one situation.
  • Having live sessions

Project Learning

Working on this project was a rollercoaster journey for me given the sensitivity of the information.  It was a demanding project,  but in the end I was satisfied we had created a platform that had the tools women were looking for.

While doing the research I learned how important it was to listen and make the correct questions, and always making them with respect and understanding how difficult it was to talk about it.


I also learned that collaboration is key. Collaborating with the psychologists and the team that was in charge of creating the content for each tool.

Currently the platform is being used and users have given really good feedback.